Cycling Through Time: Svein Tuft on Longevity and Adventure

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Show Notes

  1. Believe it or not, but if you just make yourself some cycling “touring” plans, you will collect HEAPS of zone 2 hours. 

  2. You cannot live, train and compete off only 1 or 2 nutrient types. Macro or micro, it does not matter. The magic “balance” is overstated, but remains true. Even more, try to find flexibility and ADEQUATE fuelling when you are looking at your daily macros. 

  3. If you are ONLY RIDING and not doing anything else, you are likely MISSING out on stimuli for your body and mind in the long-term. Just think: are those extra 10 hours of training WORTH IT? Or should I be doing something else? 

The post Cycling Through Time: Svein Tuft on Longevity and Adventure appeared first on HiitScience.


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