Thermomix TM7 Features and Release Dates

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What to Expect from a Future Thermomix TM7

With the Thermomix TM6 having been released in 2019, avid users and potential buyers are already looking toward the next iteration: the highly anticipated Thermomix TM7. While Vorwerk, the company behind Thermomix, has not officially announced any details about the TM7, there is plenty of speculation about possible features it could include and when we might expect to see it hit the market.

If you are in the market for a Thermomix (Bimby) then maybe it is time to consider whether you wait for the new release and what possible new features would be a big draw card for you.
This post is NOT sponsored in any way by Thermomix or Vorwerk. As a recipe blogger and cookbook author, I personally own 6 Thermomixes and 1 Magimix thermal cooker. I’ve cooked thousands of recipes using the Thermomix, and I provide alternative cooking methods for all of my recipes across cookbooks, eBooks, and on the Mad Creations Hub. My goal is to offer versatility in the kitchen, so whether you’re using a Thermomix or a different appliance, you can create the same delicious results.

I do not sell Thermomix appliances nor earn from any sales through Vorwerk. I am simply sharing my opinion and insights independently, without any commercial ties to Thermomix or Vorwerk.

Possible Features for the Thermomix TM7

  1. Advanced AI and Smart Cooking Assistance
    Given the rise of AI technology, it’s possible that the Thermomix TM7 could include a more advanced smart assistant, potentially integrating voice controls or using AI to suggest real-time adjustments based on your cooking preferences, allergies, or ingredient availability. AI could also assist in providing personalized recipe recommendations and grocery lists. I totally get that AI isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but the possibilities for the Thermomix TM7 are exciting, especially when you think about how they could improve accessibility. Voice control, for example, could make a big difference, not just for convenience but for help with disabilities. Imagine being able to cook hands-free or having the device walk you through steps without needing to touch anything—that would be a game-changer for a lot of people! It feels like these innovations could make cooking even more inclusive and accessible to everyone.
  2. Enhanced Cooking Sensors
    The TM6 already has integrated cooking sensors, but the TM7 could take this a step further. Enhanced sensors could improve precision for temperature control, stirring, and weighing ingredients, ensuring an even more foolproof cooking experience. Newer sensors could also be more energy-efficient and faster in detecting changes in the cooking process.
  3. Expanded Recipe Database and Connectivity
    Thermomix’s Cookidoo recipe platform is already impressive, but a future model could offer expanded connectivity with other apps or devices. Imagine syncing your grocery list with your local grocery store or automatically planning meals based on your calendar. Additionally, integration with smart home systems (e.g., Google Home, Amazon Alexa) could become standard.
  4. Bigger and Smaller Bowls
    Some users have expressed a desire for a larger mixing bowl. While the current capacity is sufficient for most meals, families or batch cookers might appreciate an increase in volume. The TM7 could offer an expanded bowl, making it easier to cook large portions in one go. I would love to see a wider base bowl to allow more surface area for better heat distribution.
  5. Design Improvements I would sincerely love to see options for beautiful bowls with different external finishes that could still withstand the heat. Imagine something in line with the gorgeous designs of Dolce & Gabbana x Smeg appliances or KitchenAid’s beautiful mixing bowls—functional yet stunning. Thermomix could truly elevate its appeal by offering premium, aesthetic choices that bring both style and durability to the kitchen. It’s all about matching the high-end performance with an equally high-end look!
  6. Increased Power and Speed
    The TM6 already boasts impressive power, but the TM7 could step up its game with even more efficient blending and kneading capabilities, leading to faster cooking times and an even smoother experience. It would be great if there was something similar to the blade cover to mill and chop in a smaller space.
  7. More Cooking Modes
    With the Thermomix TM6 the smart kitchen appliance featuring 17 modes, two pre-set tools and 30 functions (from chopping to steaming to slow cooking), the TM7 could bring new cooking modes that cater to even more diverse culinary needs. Think of sous-vide capabilities (like Magimix with no blade rotating options) being expanded to more precise settings or adding air fryer or dehydrating functions.
  8. Durable and Premium Materials: Upgrading the Thermomix with better-made, high-quality materials could enhance longevity and performance. A more robust build, resistant to wear and tear, would make the machine more durable for heavy kitchen use. As a kitchen appliance snob, I feel the current models are like cheap cars with a muscle car engine. While you get the performance, the exterior doesn’t match the power and performance.
  9. Clearer and Long-Lasting Branding: Ensuring the branding and markings on the machine don’t fade or rub off with use would improve the overall aesthetic and usability, maintaining the premium feel even after extended use.
  10. Colour Customization: Introducing multiple colour options would allow customers to choose a model that complements their kitchen decor, giving it a more personalized and modern feel.
  11. Integrated Video Tutorials: Adding an option for integrated video tutorials directly into the device could guide users through more complex recipes, making the cooking process more engaging and easier to follow.
  12. Delayed Start Times: A delayed start-time feature would let users program the machine to begin cooking at a specific time, ideal for meal planning and ensuring food is ready when needed without waiting.
  13. Larger Varoma for Steaming: A bigger Varoma attachment would accommodate larger meals or allow for multi-layered steaming, perfect for bigger families or meal prep enthusiasts.
  14. Slow-Cook Bowl and Pressure Cooking Options: Introducing a dedicated slow-cook bowl or even an attachment to convert the Thermomix into a pressure cooker would enhance its versatility, allowing users to make a wider range of dishes with ease.
  15. Herb-Chopping Attachment: A smaller chopping attachment would help efficiently chop herbs or small items without them being spread around the large bowl, offering better precision and easier clean-up.

Features and TM7 Release Date Speculations?

Vorwerk typically follows a release cycle of around 4-6 years for new releases. The TM5 was released in 2014, and the TM6 followed in 2019. Based on this pattern, we might expect the TM7 to be announced between 2024 and 2026. However, given the rapid pace of technology, it’s possible that Vorwerk could release the TM7 sooner to keep up with emerging trends and competition in the smart kitchen appliance market.

I laugh when consultants say there will be no new models. What do Mercedes or Porsche not bring out great new cars even though the last one was amazing too? The same goes in the kitchen. Companies need to bring out new toys for us to lust after. I know my money will be spent in a click, the minute a new Thermomix TM7 comes out. Haha! I already have 7 x Thermomix appliances, what is one more!

Why You Should Buy a TM6 Now

While the TM7 may promise exciting innovations, there are several compelling reasons to purchase the Thermomix TM6 now rather than hold off for the next model.

  1. Current Promotions and Pricing
    Thermomix frequently offers promotions and bundle deals on the TM6, making it a great time to invest. Waiting for a new model could mean paying a premium price at launch, while the TM6 is currently more affordable than ever. In some regions, trade-in deals also make upgrading from an older model highly cost-effective.
  2. Proven Reliability and Performance
    The TM6 has been on the market for a few years now, with overwhelmingly positive reviews and feedback. Its functionality is diverse, from slow cooking and fermenting to precise blending and sous-vide. The TM6 is a proven product that delivers high performance, so you can be confident in its reliability.
  3. Regular Software Updates
    Vorwerk continues to support the TM6 with regular software updates, adding new features and improving functionality. The device is future-proofed to a large extent, thanks to these updates. So even though the TM7 might come with new features, the TM6 will continue to receive improvements and support from Vorwerk for years to come.
  4. Expansive Recipe Library
    The TM6 connects seamlessly to the Cookidoo platform, which offers thousands of guided recipes. This recipe library is continuously updated, ensuring that TM6 owners will always have access to fresh, new recipes without needing to upgrade to a new machine. I never use guided cooking as I am a recipe developer, but I can understand why this is a feature many of you will love.
  5. No Need to Wait
    The TM7, even if released in the next year or two, may come with delays due to production schedules, supply chain issues, or demand outstripping supply. Waiting for an unannounced product can lead to frustration and months (or longer) of uncertainty. In contrast, the TM6 is available now and will give you an immediate, lasting benefit in your kitchen.
  6. Support for Current Accessories
    The TM6 is compatible with a range of accessories that enhance its functionality. These accessories may not work with future models, making your investment in the TM6 even more valuable. Whether it’s the Blade Cover & Peeler or the Varoma for steaming, these accessories help you maximize what the TM6 can do.


While it’s exciting to speculate on what features the Thermomix TM7 might bring, the TM6 remains a powerful, versatile kitchen appliance that is well worth purchasing right now. With advanced cooking modes, access to the extensive Cookidoo platform, and regular software updates, the TM6 offers a complete solution that meets the needs of modern home cooks.

Rather than waiting for a Thermomix TM7 release, which could still be a bit of a wait, buy Thermomix TM6 today allows you to start enjoying faster, healthier, and smarter cooking right away. And who knows? By the time the TM7 eventually arrives, you’ll be ready for an upgrade with even more experience under your belt. Also, do not forget your local Facebook Groups, and shop FB Marketplace are great places to pick up a Thermomix for a bargain.

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