The Low Carb Diabetic: Rufus On Patrol !

Meet Rufus the hawk on seagull patrol at a city boat show

Yes, “Rufus the hawk will be keeping skies seagull free at this year’s Southampton boat show on the city’s waterfront. The city’s boat show has hired a hawk to protect visitors at the waterfront event from chip-stealing seagulls.

Rufus, an American Harris hawk, is being brought in to deter the birds at the Southampton International Boat Show.

The bird of prey is also used at Wimbledon where he is on pigeon patrol – stopping them eating the grass on the courts.

Named ‘Head of Seagull Security’ by the show’s organisers he will be on duty on the first Saturday of the 10-day show. T

he boat show usually attracts more than 100,000 visitors to Southampton’s waterfront.

The show’s organisers said they had brought Rufus in to create a “safe chip zone” where visitors can enjoy their food in peace.

Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal is set to visit the show on its opening day.

The Southampton International Boat Show at Mayflower Park runs from Friday 13 – Sunday 22 September 2024.”

I hope you enjoyed reading this story, something a little different!

The above words taken from here and more details about the boat show here

All the best Jan


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