The Low Carb Diabetic: Butternut Squash : Some Nutritional Benefits

Butternut Squash Is Mineral-Rich
Butternut squash provides numerous essential minerals. It is especially high in magnesium, manganese, and potassium.

The Seeds of Butternut Squash Are Packed With Nutrients
The seeds of butternut squash are a rich source of minerals. Research shows they can improve iron and zinc status.

A Good Source of Vitamin E
Butternut squash is one of the best dietary sources of vitamin E.

Good for Digestive Health
Butternut squash is a good source of soluble and insoluble fibre. A sufficient fibre intake can have several benefits for the digestive system, blood sugar control, and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.

High Carotenoid Content: Beneficial For Eye Health
A serving of butternut squash provides more than 100% of the recommended daily value for vitamin A. The vegetable’s rich carotenoid content may benefit eye health.

Significant Vitamin C Content
Butternut squash is a significant source of vitamin C, providing 37% of the daily value in a cup serving.

Provides Numerous B Vitamins
Butternut squash provides a good amount of B vitamins, with the exception of vitamin B12.

Bioactive Saccharides
Butternut squash provides several bioactive saccharides that support gut health and potentially offer additional health benefits.

Butternut Squash Is a Source of Numerous Phytochemicals
Butternut squash provides high quantities of several polyphenols.

Some good ways to use this vegetable:


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