SPORT SCIENCE 3.0: STOP Just Scratching The Surface! – with Dr. Martin Buchheit & Prof. Paul Laursen

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Show Notes

  1. Stop scratching the surface, but don’t get overwhelmed by the “firehose” of information. You are likely only reading and viewing the “sexy” information, without looking deep enough into most issues. There is heaps more data than you think there is, and your problems cannot be fixed by a 60s video. 

  2. HEAT works! It has been proven across all environments (hot & cold). Like this, there are heaps of areas where people push OPINIONS without backing up with any EVIDENCE-informed thought. 

  3. Zone 2 or HIIT for time limited football training? GPS parameter shortcuts for “internal loading”? STOP trying to make everything simpler, easier and a FAST solution. Start looking into MECHANISMS, CONNECTIONS and CONTEXT!

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