#9 Physical Activities During Month Of Ramadan – The Slim Ways

Ramadan is the semi-month of Islam. Muslims all over the world fast. They abstain from hunger and thirst from Suhr to Iftar. This month is the time to touch the heights of worship, piety, and spiritual growth. But, those fasting in this month must also take care of their physical health. Physical exercise, i.e. physical activity, becomes an important example during Ramadan. Because of this, it is possible to experience problems such as lack of physical strength, dehydration, and exhaustion during fasting.

It is important to understand the status and importance of physical practice in the month of Ramadan. This month is a great worship, but Islam has also instructed us to take care of our health. Aerobic exercise, such as walking, jogging, and yoga, can help improve physical health. Similarly, doing aerobic exercise during fasting helps keep the body active and fit.

It is important to understand how to practice physical exercise during the month of ramadan and its advantages and disadvantages. During fisting, the energy levels of the athlete are reduced, so it is necessary to adjust the intensity of the physical exercise appropriately. Apart from this, it is also important to time aerial exercise between Suhoor and Iftar so that the poor can get proper nutrition and hydration.

There is also a risk of dehydration during physical exercise, so it is important to take special care to drink water. The amount of water is less during fasting, so it is important to have plenty of water between Suhoor and Iftar. If you feel dehydrated during aerial exercise, you should drink plenty of water and stop sweating.

Consistency and motivation also play an important role in maintaining aerial practice during the month of Ramadan. It is necessary for those who are fasting in the month of schedule to ask for their truth so that they do not find it difficult to find time for physical practice. In the same way, it is important to achieve your goals with diet and exercise.

It is also important to meet the body’s water needs during aerial exercise. Lack of water during fasting can lead to dehydration, which can make aerial exercise dangerous. Therefore, between Suhoor and Iftar, it is important to drink plenty of water. And if possible, one should drink water shortly before Iftar and between Suhoor.

Fasting and exercise are going to happen at the same time, so it is important to combine them in a useful way. Before performing the aerial exercises while fasting, a little glossary of terms can be done. Like walking or jogging. In addition, the time before Suhoor or after Iftar can also be suitable for exercise when the body gets more energy.

Some caution is necessary before doing aerial exercises during fasting. To avoid dehydration, special care should be taken to drink water and avoid exposure to toxins. If one feels dizzy or weak, then one should bandage the wound and drink water. It is also important to choose the time to do aerial exercises before Suhoor and after Iftar when the body gets more energy. In this way, the patient will get the necessary nutrition and hydration and avoid dehydration. Light aerobic exercise and stretching exercises are also suitable during the fast so that the devotee does not overexert himself and maintains physical health. And Allah, before performing aerial exercises during fasting, listen to your partner and take care of his needs, so that there is no harm in doing it.

During the month of Ramadan, various types of aerial exercises are suitable for fasting people. The most important thing is that aerial exercises should be chosen in such a way as to maintain physical health and fitness. But also maintain energy levels during fasting. Light aerobic exercises like walking, jogging, and cycling can be done while fasting. Which keeps the body active and maintains energy levels. Similarly, yoga and stretching exercises are also good options, which maintain physical flexibility and relaxation. Light and moderate aerobic exercises, such as walking and aerobics, can also be done during fasting. It also protects the body from exhaustion and damage. Orally, everyone needs to choose appropriate aerobic exercise so that physical health and fitness can be maintained during fasting.

Water intake during aerial exercise is an essential aspect for the body, especially during the month of Ramadan when fasting is observed. The risk of dehydration is higher during fasting because the amount of water is less and during fasting, more amount of water comes out of the body. Therefore, it is important to drink plenty of water during aerial exercise to avoid dehydration.

Water is essential for the body to function properly. During aerobic exercise, dehydration affects the body’s performance and stamina. When there is dehydration, the patient’s strength decreases, fatigue is felt, And the desire to practice is also reduced. In this way, water intake has been shown to help maintain performance and reduce fatigue. During the month of Ramadan, fasting people must drink plenty of water during fasting and after breaking the fast. After breaking the fast, it is important to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. So that the body can get the necessary hydration. Likewise, water intake is important even during fasting, especially if one is doing aerobic exercise.

For water intake during aerial exercise, it is important to always use a water-free method. Avoid drinking cold or hot water and drink water at regular intervals to prevent dehydration. Also, if one feels dehydrated during aerial exercise, one should drink water at that time and stop the exercise. Oral, adequate water intake plays an important role in preventing dehydration during aerobic exercise and maintaining athletic performance. During the month of Ramadan, those fasting should take special care of their water intake so that their physical health and fitness are not compromised.

It is also important to time aerial exercise between Suhoor and Iftar so that the poor can get proper nutrition and hydration. In this way, the body gets energy and the risk of dehydration during exercise is also reduced. Therefore, it is important to adjust the intensity of the aerial exercise appropriately to avoid overexertion and injury.

During the month of fasting, when doing the aerial exercises and taking the intention, it is important to first assess the energy level and condition of the patient. If there is more energy and stamina during the period of the province, then the degree of ecstasy can be increased by making light conditions. But if energy is low at the time of the morning, low-impact exercises such as gentle aerobic exercise or squatting can be administered.

In addition, it is important to avoid intense physical activity during fasting, because there is a risk of dehydration and lack of energy. If one needs to practice intense while fasting, then after Suhoor or Iftar, When the body receives energy and nutrients, it is time to exercise. When modifying the intensity of an aerial exercise, it is important to consider the limits and needs of the athlete. If one feels that their body is not coping or their energy levels are decreasing, So they should stop the exercise at that time and drink water. Similarly, if one feels dizzy or weak, he should stop the practice at that time and rest his body. When modifying the intensity during aerial exercises, always listen to your body and its needs. In this way, you can maintain your physical health and fitness and reap the benefits even during the month of fasting.

Modifying the intensity of the muscles during aerial exercise is essential to maintain physical health and fitness. For those who fast during the month of Ramadan, there are changes in the energy levels and stamina of the wicked. Which makes it difficult to perform high-intensity manipulations. Therefore, it is important to adjust the intensity of the exercise properly to avoid over-exhaustion and damage to the body. Low-impact exercises such as light aerobic exercise or stretching can also be done to prevent muscle tension. In this way, even in the month of fasting, one can take advantage of the benefits without harming physical health.

Paying attention to muscle maintenance while fasting is an important example, Especially for those who want to maintain their physical health and fitness. People who fast during the month of Ramadan are at risk of damaging their muscles. Why their daily calcium intake and protein consumption is reduced? In addition, there is a risk of dehydration while fasting, which can affect muscle recovery and maintenance.

For muscle maintenance, it is important to take special care of protein intake during fasting. Protein helps maintain and repair muscles. Therefore, it is important to include protein-rich foods, such as lean meats, fish, eggs, lentils, and dairy products, in Suhoor and Iftar. In addition, it is important to maintain the amount of water during fasting to avoid dehydration, which can reduce muscle recovery.

For muscle maintenance, it is also important to avoid intense physical activity during fasting. If someone overexerts themselves while fasting, their muscles do not get the nutrients and energy they need to recover and repair, Which increases the risk of muscle breakdown. Therefore, low-impact exercises such as light aerobic exercise or squatting can be progressively performed during fasting to prevent muscle atrophy.

Similarly, muscle recovery and repair during fasting and after breaking the fast is also important. After breaking the fast, it is important to eat protein and carbohydrate-rich foods so that the muscles get the necessary nutrients and energy. In addition, it is important to pay attention to drinking water at night so that the muscles get energy throughout the night and their recovery process is better.

Taking time to do aerial exercises and taking care of the energy levels of the wicked, The month of fasting is important. During Ramadan, The energy levels of the fasting people change at different times of the day. After Fajr prayer, Suhoor time, and near Iftar, the wicked get energy at different times. After Fajr prayer, it is time for Suhoor which is for Suhoor. In time, the body gets enough energy, which can be used to do aerial exercises. At the time of Fajr, the body’s energy levels are high and fatigue is also reduced. Therefore, this time is suitable for doing light aerial exercises.

After the time of Suhoor, the body continues to get energy during the day, but there is also a risk of dehydration during this time. Therefore, it can be difficult to do aerial exercises during the day during fasting. However, if someone is exercising early in the morning or the evening, it is important to take care of their energy levels.

Near Iftar, the body gets energy again, when it is time to break the fast, and people break their fast. During Iftar, the sinner’s energy levels are high and fatigue is also reduced. Doing aerial exercises at this time gives strength to the wicked and makes it easy to perform surgery. During the month of Ramadan, fasting people should take care of their energy levels while doing aerial exercises. If there is more energy in the morning, they can do aerial exercises in the morning. If someone gets more energy in the evening, they can exercise in the evening. In this way, the athlete will get the necessary strength and energy during the aerial exercise.

Recovery and rest days are important during months of aerial practice. Unless our body gets adequate rest, our physical and spiritual development is affected. During the month of Ramadan, when aerial practice takes place during fasting, Recovery and rest are important ways to maintain body strength and give the patient the necessary rest. After aerial exercise, the muscles and joints of the body feel tired and sore. To reduce this fatigue and pain, Recovery and rest days are necessary. These days give time to give strength to the body, To prepare for the next day’s aerial exercise. In this way, the development and physical health of the body is maintained.

During the month of Ramadan, the body’s energy levels decrease during fasting and there is a risk of dehydration. Therefore, on recovery and rest days, the body gets the necessary rest and recovery time. This day is a great way to rest the body and maintain strength. During recovery and rest days, light aerobic exercise or stretching can also be done to loosen the muscles and keep them flexible. In this way, the fatigue and pain of the body can be reduced and the next day’s aerial exercise can be flown.

During rest and recovery days, the sufferer should also get plenty of water and nutrition. To prevent dehydration, one should drink more water and eat healthy foods. Similarly, the athlete gets the necessary nutrients and electrolytes that maintain physical strength. Rest and recovery days should always be included in your aerobic exercise regimen. In this way, The body will get the necessary rest and strength and further aerial exercises can be done in a better way.


Performing aerial exercises during the month of Ramadan is an essential way of worship and improving physical health. The combination of fasting and fasting helps in the physical and spiritual development of the fasting person. Some precautions are necessary before and during aerial exercises in this month. such as maintaining water intake and adjusting bowel movements appropriately. Light aerobic exercise and yoga can also be done during fasting, which maintains physical health and fitness. This month is an auspicious opportunity to improve your health, so it is important to include aerial exercise in your fasting routine. Overall, the act of aerial practice during the month of Ramadan, while maintaining physical health and spiritual development, It can affect important ways in human life.

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